BLW11 ... BUY68 |

Pol. |
fT |
Base |
w |
Art - Type = Anwendungen - Applications |
Ref *? |
Dim: | V | MHz | Case | g |
BLW11 |
NPN | 20 | 1200 |
C-3C5 |
| VHF/UHF Transistor = CATV Broadband Amplifier |
Txi73 |
BLW16 |
NPN | 18 | 550 |
C-3C5 |
| VHF Transistor = RF Amplifier |
Txi73 |
BLX65 |
NPN | 18 | 1400 |
C-3C5 |
| UHF/VHF Transmitting Transistor = Senderanwendungen bei 470 MHz - Class-B and C operated mobile, industrial and military transmitters with a supply voltage of 13.8 V |
Val79 |
BSR50 |
NPN | 45 | - |
L-3C8 |
| Planar Darlington = Industrial switching applications, print hammer, solenoid, relay and lamp driving |
Phi80 |
BSR51 |
NPN | 60 | - |
L-3C8 |
| Planar Darlington = Industrial switching applications, print hammer, solenoid, relay and lamp driving |
Phi80 |
BSR52 |
NPN | 80 | - |
L-3C8 |
| Planar Darlington = Industrial switching applications, print hammer, solenoid, relay and lamp driving |
Phi80 |
BSR60 |
PNP | 45 | - |
L-3C8 |
| Planar Darlington = Industrial switching applications, print hammer, solenoid, relay and lamp driving |
Phi80 |
BSR61 |
PNP | 45 | - |
L-3C8 |
| Planar Darlington = Industrial switching applications, print hammer, solenoid, relay and lamp driving |
Phi80 |
BSR62 |
PNP | 45 | - |
L-3C8 |
| Planar Darlington = Industrial switching applications, print hammer, solenoid, relay and lamp driving |
Phi80 |
BSS10 |
NPN | 15 | >600 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High speed switch, line driver |
Ate70 |
BSS11 |
NPN | 15 | >500 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed saturated switch in logic applications |
Ate70 |
BSS12 |
NPN | 12 | >400 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed saturated switch in logic applications |
Ate70 |
BSS13 |
NPN | 35 | >250 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed switch, core driver |
Ate70 |
BSS14 |
NPN | 50 | >250 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed switch, core driver |
Ate70 |
BSS15 |
NPN | 75 | >50 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-voltage medium power amplifier |
Ate70 |
BSS16 |
NPN | 50 | >50 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-voltage medium power amplifier |
Ate70 |
BSS17 |
PNP | 75 | >50 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-voltage medium power amplifier |
Ate70 |
BSS18 |
PNP | 50 | >50 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-voltage medium power amplifier |
Ate70 |
BSS23 |
NPN | 40 | - |
C-3C3 |
<0.5 | Epitaxial-Planar, Schalttransistor - Switch = Schnelle Schalter, Kerntreiber bis 1 A - Fast switches, core drivers up to 1 A |
Tfk77 |
BSS26 |
NPN | 40 | >250 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High voltage, high current switch |
Stm89 |
BSS27 |
NPN | 45 | 300 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar, Schalttransistor = Kerntreiber - Core driver |
Val71 |
BSS28 |
NPN | 30 | 300 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar, Schalttransistor = Kerntreiber - Core driver |
Val71 |
BSS29 |
NPN | 30 | 300 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar, Schalttransistor = Kerntreiber - Core driver |
Val71 |
BSS30 |
NPN | 60 | >50 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-voltage medium power AF driver |
Ate71 |
BSS31 |
NPN | 60 | >60 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-voltage medium power AF driver |
Ate71 |
BSS32 |
NPN | 80 | >50 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-voltage medium power AF driver |
Ate71 |
BSS38 |
NPN | 100 | >60 |
L-3C7 |
| Epitaxial Planar = Driver for numerical indicator tubes |
Phi76 |
BSS40 |
NPN | 40 | >200 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Very high speed core driver |
Phi73 |
BSS41 |
NPN | 30 | >200 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Very high speed core driver |
Phi73 |
BSS42 |
NPN | 120 | 100 |
C-3C5 |
<1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar, Schalttransistor - Switch = Schaltungen mit hoher Betriebsspannung - Circuits with high supply voltages |
Tfk77 |
BSS43 |
NPN | 150 | 100 |
C-3C5 |
<1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar, Schalttransistor - Switch = Schaltungen mit hoher Betriebsspannung - Circuits with high supply voltages |
Tfk77 |
BSS44 |
PNP | 60 | >70 |
C-3C5 |
<1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Relaistreiber, Leistungsverstärker, Hochstromschalter bis 5 A - Relay drivers, power amplifiers, high current switches up to 5 A |
Tfk77 |
BSS45 |
NPN | 80 | - |
C-3C5 |
<1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Relaistreiber, Leistungsverstärker, Hochstromschalter bis 5 A - Relay drivers, power amplifiers, high current switches up to 5 A |
Tfk77 |
BSS46 |
PNP | 80 | >70 |
C-3C5 |
<1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Relaistreiber, Leistungsverstärker, Hochstromschalter bis 5 A - Relay drivers, power amplifiers, high current switches up to 5 A |
Tfk77 |
BSS50 |
NPN | 45 | - |
C-3C5 |
| Planar Darlington = Industrial switching applications, print hammer, solenoid, relay and lamp driving |
Phi76 |
BSS51 |
NPN | 60 | - |
C-3C5 |
| Planar Darlington = Industrial switching applications, print hammer, solenoid, relay and lamp driving |
Phi76 |
BSS52 |
NPN | 80 | - |
C-3C5 |
| Planar Darlington = Industrial switching applications, print hammer, solenoid, relay and lamp driving |
Phi76 |
BSS59 |
NPN | 80 | >50 |
C-3C3 |
<0.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schnelle Schalter - Amplifiers and fast switches |
Tfk77 |
BSS60 |
PNP | 45 | - |
C-3C5 |
| Planar Darlington = Industrial switching applications, print hammer, solenoid, relay and lamp driving |
Phi78 |
BSS61 |
PNP | 60 | - |
C-3C5 |
| Planar Darlington = Industrial switching applications, print hammer, solenoid, relay and lamp driving |
Phi78 |
BSS62 |
PNP | 80 | - |
C-3C5 |
| Planar Darlington = Industrial switching applications, print hammer, solenoid, relay and lamp driving |
Phi80 |
BSS68 |
PNP | 100 | >50 |
L-3C7 |
| Epitaxial Planar = Anode switching in dynamically driven numerical indicator tubes |
Phi76 |
BSS71 |
NPN | 200 | 70 |
C-3C3 |
| High voltage amplifier and switch |
Mot84 Mot94 |
BSS71S |
NPN | 200 | >50 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High voltage amplifier and switching applications at current levels from 100 µA to 100 mA |
Stm89 |
BSS72 |
NPN | 250 | 70 |
C-3C3 |
| High voltage amplifier and switch |
Mot84 Mot94 |
BSS72S |
NPN | 200 | >50 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High voltage amplifier and switching applications at current levels from 100 µA to 100 mA |
Stm89 |
BSS73 |
NPN | 300 | 70 |
C-3C3 |
| High voltage amplifier and switch |
Mot84 Mot94 |
BSS74 |
PNP | 200 | 110 |
C-3C3 |
| High voltage amplifier and switch |
Mot84 Mot94 |
BSS74S |
PNP | 200 | >50 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High voltage amplifier and switching applications at current levels from 100 µA to 100 mA |
Stm89 |
BSS75 |
PNP | 250 | 110 |
C-3C3 |
| High voltage amplifier and switch |
Mot84 Mot94 |
BSS75S |
PNP | 200 | >50 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High voltage amplifier and switching applications at current levels from 100 µA to 100 mA |
Stm89 |
BSS76 |
PNP | 300 | 110 |
C-3C3 |
| High voltage amplifier and switch |
Mot84 Mot94 |
BSS77 |
NPN | 200 | 70 |
C-3C5 |
| High voltage amplifier and switch |
Mot84 |
BSS78 |
NPN | 250 | 70 |
C-3C5 |
| High voltage amplifier and switch |
Mot84 Mot94 |
BSV15 |
PNP | 40 | 50 |
C-3C5 |
1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = NF-Endstufe - Schalter |
Sie76 |
BSV16 |
PNP | 60 | 50 |
C-3C5 |
1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = NF-Endstufe - Schalter |
Sie76 |
BSV17 |
PNP | 80 | 50 |
C-3C5 |
1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = NF-Endstufe - Schalter |
Sie76 |
BSV60 |
NPN | 40 | >100 |
C-3C5 |
<1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Relaistreiber, Leistungsverstärker, Hochstromschalter bis 3 A - Relay drivers, power amplifiers, high current switches up to 3 A |
Tfk77 |
BSV64 |
NPN | 60 | 100 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Schalteranwendungen - Switching applications |
Val71 |
BSV68 |
PNP | 100 | >50 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Steuerung von Ziffern- und Zeichen-Anzeigeröhren |
Val71 |
BSV69 |
NPN | 40 | - |
C-3C5 |
<1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schnelle Schalter, Kerntreiber bis 1 A - Fast switches, core drivers up to 1 A |
Tfk77 |
BSV82 |
PNP | 80 | >100 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Medium power amplifier |
Ate71 |
BSV84 |
NPN | 70 | >60 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Medium power amplifier |
Ate71 |
BSV86 BSV87 |
NPN | 30 | >100 |
L-3C23 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Switching applications |
Phi71 |
BSV88 |
NPN | 25 | >100 |
L-3C23 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Switching applications |
Phi71 |
BSV96 BSV97 BSV98 |
PNP | 30 | 75 |
L-3C23 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Switching applications |
Phi71 |
BSW10 |
NPN | 65 | 200 |
C-3C5 |
<1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schneller Schalter - Fast Switch |
Tfk68 |
BSW13 |
NPN | 15 | >280 |
L-3C21 |
0.02 | Epitaxial Planar = Logikanwendungen, für Dick- und Dünnfilmschaltungen |
BRA Sie72 |
BSW19 |
PNP | 30 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
<0.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schneller Schalter - Fast Switch |
Tfk77 |
BSW21 |
PNP | 25 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
0.32 | Epitaxial-Planar = LF amplifier, low current switching |
Csf76 |
BSW21A |
PNP | 50 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
0.32 | Epitaxial-Planar = LF amplifier, low current switching |
Csf76 |
BSW22 |
PNP | 25 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
0.32 | Epitaxial-Planar = LF amplifier, low current switching |
Csf76 |
BSW22A |
PNP | 50 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
0.32 | Epitaxial-Planar = LF amplifier, low current switching |
Csf76 |
BSW26 |
NPN | 40 | >200 |
C-3C3 |
- | Epitaxial-Planar = Ansteuerung magnetischer Kernspeicher |
Txi69 |
BSW27 |
NPN | 50 | >200 |
C-3C3 |
- | Epitaxial-Planar = Ansteuerung magnetischer Kernspeicher |
Txi69 |
BSW28 |
NPN | 50 | >200 |
C-3C5 |
- | Epitaxial-Planar = Ansteuerung magnetischer Kernspeicher |
Txi69 |
BSW29 |
NPN | 30 | >200 |
C-3C5 |
- | Epitaxial-Planar = Ansteuerung magnetischer Kernspeicher |
Txi69 |
BSW32 |
NPN | 80 | - |
L-3C8 |
- | Planar = Ansteuerung von Glimmröhren |
Txi69 |
BSW39 |
NPN | 80 | >50 |
C-3C5 |
<1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = NF-Verstärker und Schalter - AF amplifiers and switches |
Tfk77 |
BSW40 |
PNP | 80 | >50 |
C-3C5 |
<1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = NF-Verstärker und Schalter - AF amplifiers and switches |
Tfk77 |
BSW41 |
NPN | 25 | >250 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Treiberstufen in Magnetkernspeichern |
Val71 |
BSW41A |
NPN | 25 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Core driver applications in small memories |
Phi78 |
BSW51 |
NPN | 30 | 250 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker, Schalter - Amplifier, Switch |
Val70 |
BSW52 |
NPN | 30 | 250 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker, Schalter - Amplifier, Switch |
Val70 |
BSW53 |
NPN | 40 | 250 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker, Schalter - Amplifier, Switch |
Val70 |
BSW54 |
NPN | 40 | 300 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker, Schalter - Amplifier, Switch |
Val70 |
BSW61 |
NPN | 30 | 250 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker, Schalter - Amplifier, Switch |
Val70 |
BSW62 |
NPN | 30 | 250 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker, Schalter - Amplifier, Switch |
Val70 |
BSW63 |
NPN | 40 | 250 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker, Schalter - Amplifier, Switch |
Val70 |
BSW64 |
NPN | 40 | 300 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker, Schalter - Amplifier, Switch |
Val70 |
BSW65 |
NPN | 80 | 80 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter - Switch |
Val89 |
BSW66 |
NPN | 100 | 80 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter für induktive Last - Inductive Load Switch |
Val89 |
BSW66A |
NPN | 100 | 130 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter für induktive Last - Inductive Load Switch |
Val89 |
BSW67 |
NPN | 120 | 80 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter für induktive Last - Inductive Load Switch |
Val89 |
BSW67A |
NPN | 120 | 130 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter für induktive Last - Inductive Load Switch |
Val89 |
BSW68 |
NPN | 150 | 80 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter für induktive Last - Inductive Load Switch |
Val89 |
BSW68A |
NPN | 150 | 130 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter für induktive Last - Inductive Load Switch |
Val89 |
BSW69 |
NPN | 150 | 130 |
L-3C24 |
| Planar = Driving numerical indicator tubes |
Phi70 |
BSW72 |
PNP | 25 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
0.35 | Epitaxial-Planar = Universal, Verstärker- und Schalteranwendungen |
Ime71 |
BSW73 |
PNP | 25 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
0.35 | Epitaxial-Planar = Universal, Verstärker- und Schalteranwendungen |
Ime71 |
BSW74 |
PNP | 40 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
0.35 | Epitaxial-Planar = Universal, Verstärker- und Schalteranwendungen |
Ime71 |
BSW75 |
PNP | 40 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
0.35 | Epitaxial-Planar = Universal, Verstärker- und Schalteranwendungen |
Ime71 |
BSW82 |
NPN | 25 | >200 |
C-3C3 |
0.35 | Epitaxial-Planar = Universal, Verstärker- und Schalteranwendungen |
Ime71 |
BSW83 |
NPN | 25 | >200 |
C-3C3 |
0.35 | Epitaxial-Planar = Universal, Verstärker- und Schalteranwendungen |
Ime71 |
BSW84 |
NPN | 40 | >200 |
C-3C3 |
0.35 | Epitaxial-Planar = Universal, Verstärker- und Schalteranwendungen |
Ime71 |
BSW85 |
NPN | 40 | >200 |
C-3C3 |
0.35 | Epitaxial-Planar = Universal, Verstärker- und Schalteranwendungen |
Ime71 |
BSW93 |
NPN | 30 | >150 |
C-3C5 |
| Diffused Epitaxial-Planar = High-voltage high-current switch |
Sgs69 |
BSX12 |
NPN | 12 | >450 |
C-3C5 |
| Diffused Epitaxial-Planar = Thin-Film Memory Driver |
Sgs69 |
BSX12A |
NPN | 15 | >450 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Treiberstufen in Magnetkernspeichern |
Val71 |
BSX19 |
NPN | 15 | 400 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Schnelle Logikschaltungen - Breitbandverstärker |
Val89 |
BSX20 |
NPN | 15 | 500 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Schnelle Logikschaltungen - Breitbandverstärker |
Val89 |
BSX21 |
NPN | 80 | 20 |
C-3C3 |
| Mesa-Transistor = Nixie Driver |
Val65 |
BSX21 |
NPN | 80 | 60 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Nixie Driver |
Val89 |
BSX22 |
NPN | 40 | 100 |
C-3C5 |
1.3 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter- und Verstärkeranwendungen bei höherem Kollektorstrom |
Ime71 |
BSX23 |
NPN | 65 | 100 |
C-3C5 |
1.3 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter- und Verstärkeranwendungen bei höherem Kollektorstrom |
Ime71 |
BSX24 |
NPN | 32 | 150 |
C-3C3 |
0.32 0.45 | Epitaxial-Planar = Universal - General-Purpose |
Csf76 Ime67 |
BSX25 |
NPN | 25 | 50 |
C-3C3 |
<0.5 | Planar = Schalter, HF-Verstärker - Switch, RF Amplifier |
Tfk68 |
BSX26 |
NPN | 15 | >350 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed saturated switch, switching applications up to 500 mA |
Stm89 |
BSX27 |
NPN | 6.0 | >600 |
C-3C3 |
| Diffused Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed saturated switch |
Sgs69 |
BSX28 |
NPN | 12 | >400 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed saturated switch |
Stm89 |
BSX29 |
PNP | 12 | >400 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Switch and RF amplifier, saturated and nonsaturated switching circuits requiring up to 200 mA of collector current |
Stm89 |
BSX30 |
NPN | 30 | >250 |
C-3C5 |
| Double-diffused Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed saturated switch |
Sgs69 |
BSX32 |
NPN | 40 | >300 |
C-3C5 |
| Diffused Epitaxial-Planar = High-Current Memory Switch |
Sgs69 |
BSX33 |
NPN | 55 | >60 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-voltage, high-Current switch with useful current gain from 100 µA to 500 mA |
Stm89 |
BSX35 |
PNP | 6.0 | >300 |
C-3C3 |
| Diffused Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed logic switch |
Sgs69 |
BSX36 |
PNP | 40 | >100 |
C-3C3 |
| Diffused Epitaxial-Planar = High-current switch |
Sgs69 |
BSX38 |
NPN | 30 | >200 |
C-3C3 |
<0.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter - Switch |
Tfk77 |
BSX39 |
NPN | 20 | >350 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed saturated switch for very fast switching applications up to 500 mA |
Stm89 |
BSX40 |
PNP | 30 | 100 |
C-3C5 |
1.1 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSX41 |
PNP | 30 | 150 |
C-3C5 |
1.1 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSX44 |
NPN | 6.0 | >600 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Ultra-high speed saturated logic applications |
Phi70 |
BSX45 |
NPN | 40 | 50 |
C-3C5 |
1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = NF-Endstufe - Schalter |
Sie76 |
BSX46 |
NPN | 60 | 50 |
C-3C5 |
1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = NF-Endstufe - Schalter |
Sie76 |
BSX47 |
NPN | 80 | 50 |
C-3C5 |
1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = NF-Endstufe - Schalter |
Sie76 |
BSX48 |
NPN | 25 | 250 |
C-3C3 |
0.3 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schneller Schalter, Kerntreiber |
Sie76 |
BSX49 |
NPN | 40 | 250 |
C-3C3 |
0.3 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schneller Schalter, Kerntreiber |
Sie76 |
BSX51 |
NPN | 25 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
0.32 | Epitaxial-Planar = LF amplifier, low current switching |
Csf76 |
BSX51A |
NPN | 50 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
0.32 | Epitaxial-Planar = LF amplifier, low current switching |
Csf76 |
BSX51B |
NPN | 60 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
0.32 | Epitaxial-Planar = LF amplifier, low current switching |
Csf76 |
BSX52 |
NPN | 25 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
0.32 | Epitaxial-Planar = LF amplifier, low current switching |
Csf76 |
BSX52A |
NPN | 50 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
0.32 | Epitaxial-Planar = LF amplifier, low current switching |
Csf76 |
BSX52B |
NPN | 60 | >150 |
C-3C3 |
0.32 | Epitaxial-Planar = LF amplifier, low current switching |
Csf76 |
BSX53 |
NPN | 30 | 300 |
C-3C3A |
<0.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter - Switch |
Tfk68 |
BSX54 |
NPN | 45 | 300 |
C-3C3A |
<0.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter - Switch |
Tfk68 |
BSX59 |
NPN | 45 | >250 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Treiberstufen in Magnetkernspeichern |
Val71 |
BSX60 |
NPN | 30 | >250 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Treiberstufen in Magnetkernspeichern |
Val71 |
BSX61 |
NPN | 45 | >250 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Treiberstufen in Magnetkernspeichern |
Val71 |
BSX62 |
NPN | 40 | 30 |
C-3C5 |
1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = NF-Endstufe - Schalter |
Sie76 |
BSX63 |
NPN | 60 | 30 |
C-3C5 |
1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = NF-Endstufe - Schalter |
Sie76 |
BSX72 |
NPN | 25 | 200 |
C-3C5 TO-5 |
<1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = HF-Verstärker, Schalter - RF Amplifier, Fast Switch |
Tfk68 |
BSX75 |
NPN | 25 | 200 |
C-3C3 TO-18 |
<0.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = HF-Verstärker, Schalter - RF Amplifier, Fast Switch |
Tfk68 |
BSX79 |
NPN | 45 | >200 |
C-3C3 |
<0.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter - Switch |
Tfk77 |
BSX87 |
NPN | 15 | >300 |
C-3C3 |
| Diffused Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed saturated switch |
Sgs69 |
BSX87A |
NPN | 15 | >350 |
C-3C3 |
| Diffused Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed saturated switch |
Sgs69 |
BSX88 |
NPN | 15 | >300 |
C-3C3 |
| Diffused Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed saturated logic switch |
Sgs69 |
BSX88A |
NPN | 20 | >350 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed saturated logic switch |
Stm89 |
BSX89 |
NPN | 15 | >200 |
C-3C3 |
| Diffused Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed saturated switch |
Sgs69 |
BSX90 |
NPN | 12 | >300 |
C-3C3 |
| Diffused Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed saturated switch |
Sgs69 |
BSX91 |
NPN | 12 | >300 |
C-3C3 |
| Diffused Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed saturated switch |
Sgs69 |
BSX93 |
NPN | 15 | >400 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-speed saturated switch |
Stm89 |
BSX95 |
NPN | 30 | >250 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker- und Schalteranwendungen |
Val71 |
BSX96 |
NPN | 30 | >250 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker- und Schalteranwendungen |
Val71 |
BSY10 |
NPN | 30 | 180 |
C-3C5A |
| Mesa-Transistor = Schalter - Switch |
Val65 |
BSY11 |
NPN | 25 | 180 |
C-3C5A |
| Mesa-Transistor = Schalter - Switch |
Val65 |
BSY17 |
NPN | 12 | 280 |
C-3C3 |
0.3 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schneller Logikschalter |
Sie76 |
BSY18 |
NPN | 12 | 280 |
C-3C3 |
0.3 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schneller Logikschalter |
Sie76 |
BSY19 |
NPN | 15 | 300 |
C-3C3 |
0.45 | Planar-Transistor = Schalter - Switch |
Ime67 |
BSY21 |
NPN | 15 | 300 |
C-3C3 |
0.45 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter - Switch |
Ime67 |
BSY34 |
NPN | 40 | 250 |
C-3C5 |
1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schneller Schalter, Kerntreiber |
Sie76 |
BSY38 |
NPN | 12 | 350 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter - Switch |
Val65 |
BSY39 |
NPN | 12 | 350 |
C-3C3 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter - Switch |
Val65 |
BSY44 |
NPN | 50 | 60 |
C-3C5 |
<1.5 | Planar = HF-Verstärker, Schalter - RF Amplifier, Fast Switch |
Tfk68 |
BSY45 |
NPN | 80 | 50 |
C-3C5 |
<1.5 | Planar = Schalter - Fast Switch |
Tfk68 |
BSY46 |
NPN | 50 | 50 |
C-3C5 |
<1.5 | Planar = HF-Verstärker, Schalter - RF Amplifier, Fast Switch |
Tfk68 |
BSY51 |
NPN | 25 | 100 |
C-3C5 |
1.1 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime71 |
BSY52 |
NPN | 25 | 130 |
C-3C5 |
1.1 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime71 |
BSY53 |
NPN | 30 | 100 |
C-3C5 |
1.1 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSY54 |
NPN | 30 | 145 |
C-3C5 |
1.1 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSY55 |
NPN | 80 | 100 |
C-3C5 |
1.1 <1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 Tfk85 |
BSY56 |
NPN | 80 | 145 |
C-3C5 |
1.1 <1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 Tfk85 |
BSY58 |
NPN | 25 | 250 |
C-3C5 |
1.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schneller Schalter, Kerntreiber |
Sie76 |
BSY59 |
PNP | 30 | 100 |
L-3C19 |
0.33 | Epitaxial-Planar = Mittelschneller Schalter |
Sie67 |
BSY62 |
NPN | 15 | 280 |
C-3C3 |
0.3 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schneller Logikschalter |
Sie76 |
BSY63 |
NPN | 15 | 300 |
C-3C3 |
0.3 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schneller Logikschalter |
Sie76 |
BSY68 |
NPN | 120 | 20 |
C-3C5 |
| Diffused Mesa = Nixie Driver, Switch |
Ste77 Txi74 |
BSY70 |
NPN | 20 | 200 |
C-3C3 |
<0.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schneller Schalter - Fast Switch |
Tfk68 |
BSY71 |
NPN | 28 | 70 |
C-3C5 TO-5 |
<1.5 | Planar = Schalter - Switch |
Tfk68 |
BSY72 |
NPN | 18 | 170 |
C-3C3 |
0.45 | Epitaxial-Planar = Rauscharmer NF- und HF-Verstärker |
Ime67 |
BSY73 |
NPN | 18 | 145 |
C-3C3 |
0.45 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSY74 |
NPN | 18 | 170 |
C-3C3 |
0.45 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSY75 |
NPN | 32 | 145 |
C-3C3 |
0.45 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSY76 |
NPN | 32 | 170 |
C-3C3 |
0.45 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSY77 |
NPN | 64 | 145 |
C-3C3 |
0.45 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schneller Schalter - Fast Switch |
Ime67 |
BSY78 |
NPN | 64 | 170 |
C-3C3 |
0.45 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schneller Schalter - Fast Switch |
Ime67 |
BSY79 |
NPN | 120 | 100 |
C-3C3 |
0.45 | Epitaxial-Planar = Treiber für Ziffernanzeige-Glimmröhre |
Ime67 |
BSY80 |
NPN | 18 | 210 |
C-3C3 |
0.45 | Epitaxial-Planar = NF- und HF-Verstärker |
Ime67 |
BSY81 |
NPN | 18 | 100 |
C-3C5 |
1.3 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSY82 |
NPN | 18 | 120 |
C-3C5 |
1.3 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSY83 |
NPN | 35 | 100 |
C-3C5 |
1.3 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSY84 |
NPN | 35 | 120 |
C-3C5 |
1.3 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSY85 |
NPN | 64 | 110 |
C-3C5 |
1.3 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSY86 |
NPN | 64 | 130 |
C-3C5 |
1.3 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSY87 |
NPN | 60 | 100 |
C-3C5 |
1.1 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSY88 |
NPN | 60 | 145 |
C-3C5 |
1.1 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSY90 |
NPN | 25 | 170 |
C-3C5 |
1.1 | Epitaxial-Planar = Verstärker und schneller Schalter |
Ime67 |
BSY91 |
NPN | 25 | 50 |
C-3C5 |
<1.5 | Planar = Schalter, HF-Verstärker - Switch, RF Amplifier |
Tfk68 |
BSY92 |
NPN | 40 | 50 |
C-3C5 |
<1.5 | Planar = Schalter, HF-Verstärker - Switch, RF Amplifier |
Tfk68 |
BSY93 |
NPN | 40 | 50 |
C-3C3 |
<0.5 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter, HF-Verstärker - Switch, RF Amplifier |
Tfk68 |
BSY95A |
NPN | 15 | >200 |
C-3C3 |
0.45 | Epitaxial-Planar = Schalter - General purpose low level switching applications |
Ime67 Phi80 |
BU125 |
NPN | 60 | 100 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = TV Horizontal Output |
Sga73 |
BU125S |
NPN | 150 | >15 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = General purpose, linear and switching applications |
Sga82 |
BUY47 |
NPN | 120 | 90 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-Current Switch |
Sga73 |
BUY48 |
NPN | 170 | 90 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-Current Switch |
Sga73 |
BUY49S |
NPN | 200 | >50 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-voltage, high-current switching applications |
Sga80 |
BUY68 |
NPN | 60 | >50 |
C-3C5 |
| Epitaxial-Planar = High-Current General Purpose |
Sga73 |
Pol. |
fT |
Base |
w |
Art - Type = Anwendungen - Applications |
19912 |
Dim: | V | MHz | Case | g |